Trial Lawyers: Keeping up a Professional Appearance
A lawyer going into court for the trial of the case he is handling is very much alike to the soldier going into the battlefields to fight a war. Both must be equipped with everything they need to win their separate battles. As a soldier cannot go into battle wearing flimsy,Trial Lawyers: Keeping up a Professional Appearance Articles inappropriate apparel, the lawyer cannot also go into court to win a client's lawsuit decked out in inappropriate get-up. In court, the opening statements and first instances of arguments serve as a rich venue for the arbitrators, juries and judges to observe the lawyer and form their initial impressions of him and the case he is representing. Given this reality, a trial lawyer must be adept in putting up an appearance and demeanor that will possibly generate the most positive influence to form such first impressions. In the beginning, if a lawyer presents an appearance of being offensive, his image more or less becomes tarnished for the rest of the pro...